giovedì 10 aprile 2014


Ok guys, this is it. Finally the demo is ready to be released.

But, please, take a second for read what I have to say you here.

1)      The development of this demo incurred in every kind of trouble, last one yesterday night when I discovered that my copy of RPGmaker (or all the copy of the program) had an issue for files over 131 megs. As a result the program does not allow to successfully compress the data over that limit making impossible create the self extracting file. As a result what you’ll find after unzipped the file of the demo will be the raw files created by the RPGmaker. I believe (and hope) that you can still play it without any trouble just doubleclicking on the “Game” icon. You should not need to have the RPGmaker installed, but you will still need the RTP files. In addition on some computer you could experiment the missing “MFC71.dll” trouble. I added the dll in the game package but you could always download a dll fixer from the web. If you are experimenting any other trouble with the files please let me know.

2)      Other issue, and you can blame me for that, was the incredible mess I did compiling the second match. When I finally started testing it I really could not believe how buggy and lacking was. At the point I had to rewrite it almost from scratch. Should be good by now. The testing I did gave all good results. The game should be free from critical bug, though a little number of little issues remain for a further fixing in the future. Anyway, keep your eyes sharp for bugs of any sort, but, please don’t report language errors or similar. Language check will come in a second moment.

3)      The demo covers this time all the first week of play that, as I already said, is more like a tutorial with guided events related to the in-game choice. Including the way Kyoko will choose for facing the First Star leading to a more easy or difficult match. I’ll leave you the pleasure to discover the rest. Unfortunately even the second week of play shall be like that and more oriented to choices and plot. From the third week Kyoko will be free to move among the various locations in order to trigger events and more.

4)      Plans for the future: part one. Game should consist of five weeks of play with four official N-Wrestle matches. I’m planning to add more underground matches for a whole total of 8-10 matches. About that, for every official match Kyoko will have a total original set of moves as well as her opponent. For the underground and extra match only the opponent will be original while I’ll recycle old moves (either from Kyoko as well from the defeated opponents) for the main character. Sorry, but this will allow me to spare a lot of time. Though I know several people don’t love the RPG parts the game will also have five dungeons with different enemy with and withoun the in-battle rape. Every boss will have a substantial rape if Kyoko and her sidekick will be defeated and normal game over if defeated from the normal enemies. Anyway I’m planning to keep the dungeons with a difficulty level absolutely accessible. About the adventure part: game will have a ton of ending, some easy to get and mostly related to specific NPCs, others more hard to get. Some will be accessible in one playthrough while for others will be necessary make choices excluding other plot possibilities. Much will depends from the special events you’ll find in the game especially starting from the third week of play.

5)      Plans for the future: part two. This demo will much likely the last I’ll release. After that you should have enough elements for judge if you like the game or not. I’ll keep to be active on the blog updating about the development and releasing stuffs (If you’ll be very nice with me I could post one of the underground matches sooner or later). Anyway, like or not I just hope you’ll appreciate my effort in creating the product.

6)      Plans for the future: part three. About a full release… I can’t give any info. I needed almost a year to create more or less 15% of the game, so only thing you can do is wait patiently. There’s more… I just took a decision about my life. Being totally fed up of the gambling industry I make up my mind to come back to study to achieve a master that should allow me to obtain a better job. Obviously this shall reduce my free time especially that I use for writing and compiling. Anyway I’m not dropping the project, but the development will be surely delayed.

Well… I think I’m finally done.

Hope you could enjoy the last demo without any issues.



8 commenti:

  1. Just tried the new demo, great stuff! Keep up the good work!

  2. Agreed, can't wait until the actual game is released, no matter how long that will take T.T. Any thoughts on a Dominatrix type enemy for one of the Stars? Could be fun; could also be me being weird. Just a thought! Keep up the great work.

  3. PLayed trough 2 times it´s awsome=)
    But i looked in the pictures folders an saw the two girls with the black guy in a train...Tryed diffrent choices but did not saw this scene..Could someone please tell me how i go to this secene?=)

    Thanks in advance

    1. OUCH!!! That images set should not be there, yet. sorry for the spoiler, but that's something you'll see in the future.

  4. ARGH!! to bad it looks REALLY interresting...Still great demo =)

  5. I think I found a bug when you fight the first of the four stars (MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS):

    It's during the fight, if she hits you with the piledriver and follows up with her "sex move". If you have enough XP and don't cum from the move, it still shows the scene for cumming, after saying that the time is up for the sex move. And you still get the penalty for HP, as if she made you cum with the move.
    I also think it only happens for that one move. Just wanted to tell you that if no one did yet.
    Otherwise I really like the game so far and am looking forward to seeing more of it.

    1. Thank you, i'll check it asap. Keep looking for bugs ;)

    2. Bug checked, found and fixed!
      Thank you mate!!!
