giovedì 6 aprile 2017

Update and stuffs!!!

Hello guys. I'm currently working on W3D5.
As previously told this shall be an ADVENTURE update. The event Kyoko will take shall have serious aftermath on the normal plot of the game prearing the way to the endings you'll find in Week 4. I'm really busy at the moment with my job, but I'll definitely release this update in a reasonable time.
Actually I would like to release also the W3D6 asap but hosting this a more complicated event and a tag minifight with the succubis sister I cannot give assurance I'll make in time during this month..
Anyway... with Rebirth still far from completion, but with an overall development around 70% of the total game I'm starting to think about possible future plans.
I have several ideas in mind, so I'll tell you what could happen in some months.
1) I've never forsake the idea to have an erotic game showing real sex. Using porn clips I've thougth several possible scenarios, from a SLG adventure till a RPG with porn clip as sex attack. I don't know how appealing could this be to the audience and so far this possibility was impossible cause RPGmaker XP can't read video format. The custom script video players was not reliable enough to create something like that, but recently I've gave a look at RPGmaker MV that allow the reproduction of videos. I'd need to find a good video converter, since the mp4 format are not supported, but still this is now a concrete possibility of develoment.
2) Honey Select
I fucking hate Illusions. their games are always been shallow and wasteful of the incredible graphical look the developers could create.
What's the point in create games similar to 3D custom girls with mod support without the possibility to create poses and scenes. Nonsense.
This could change with Honey Select.
The game offers splendid models and scenarios, mod support and a studio mode. Unfortunately the studio mode is still rough around the edges and very uneasy to use, but un update scheduled for the end of this month could substantially change this, making (hopefully) a gret tool for creation.

3) Original art
I'm currently dealing with an artist and trying to convince him to create the art for a possible future game. This one should be a RPG. I don't want to disclose yet the details of the project before knowing if the artist will really be available to work on it... but is always a possibility.
4) Sticking with 3D custom girls.
I fucking love this tool. It gave me the chance to bring on the monitor my fantasies when I'm not able to draw anything!

(Did you recognize him... yes... it's Khal Drogo!!!)
But I also understand its limit and the very limited appeal with the audience, so I don't really like the idea to another game done with this... but I could just be forced... if all the other ideas would go wrong.
5) Take my leave and go home.
I'm really moved you liked the game, people and could not thank enough for the way you supported me. That far, I really consider Rebirth a success of mine, so after finishing it, given my limited abilities as developer and designer and the inexistent ones as artist, I could decide to don't repeat the experiment.
Well... thank you for reading this and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.
I hope you'll have fun with me during the next months and we'll talk about possible future projects when I'll finish to develop N-Wrestle Rebirth.

Best Regards

Dario "ShinX" Bruno

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