venerdì 7 novembre 2014


Back to the match Kyoko vs Kitty... have a shot from the Humiliation Time...

Any chance Kyoko is enjoying thi a bit too much?!?
You'll discover it in the next demo... (when I'll release it... maybe in the next century.)

looking at the stats wall of the blog we it the 100.000 visits.
Thank you very much!!!

This is a gift for you!!!

Thank you for your support.

Till the next time!

7 commenti:

  1. I think we're all hoping for a new demo soon- any chance of it as a Thanksgiving (or Christmas...) present? =D.

  2. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give beta!

  3. Risposte
    1. The game would need it since i'm planning to add events and routes difficult to find... but quite frankly... I lack the time :(
