lunedì 20 aprile 2015

OK... new demo!

Or else... is the same demo of before but with the new sex RPG mode.

A brief explanation will be displayed (in a shameful way) before the first dungeon.

Basically, I've already told you in the posts before, when grabbed you will hear the girl moan; there will be four kind of moans each matched to one of the pad direction (up, down, right, left).
If you will keep pressed the right direction the girl will get free.

What this will change?

Well, RPG sex combat will be more interactive and not guided by luck anymore; also this will give the player a chance to avoid the abnormal status the rape leaves to the girl.
In order to balance better the whole, now the rape will do a more substantial damage.

Rape beginning will now deliver 20 points of XP damage, at that point you will have a second chance to escape, if you fails the rape will go on for another 20 points of XP damage. After the second turn the enemy will inform you he's about to cum. If you got there you'll not escape anymore, but you'll have a chance to avoid the internal cum and halve the XP damage (30/15).

This means that if you fail all the time or just mash button your way through the rape the girl will take 70 XP damage per rape (much likely coming as well for 250 Hp damage).

Last, Yoko's Xp starting level was raised to 100 insted the former 70.

Well, try the new system and comment if you like.

Mouth rape is still implemented in the same way as before and will not be changed.

Here's the link

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