martedì 17 marzo 2015

Doing some testing about the Overdrive moves.

First of all I have to say that raising the HP pool of the girls it's making all more fun.
With more resilient fightresses the fight look longer and more fun, with more sex, orgasms and even the chance to reverse a bad situation if you got some luck.

My concerns now are about the treshold for the activation of the Overdrive.
I've set the increasing/decreasing of the Overdrive meter just with some of the moves with values going up or down by 5 and 10 units, and the treshold for the activation at 50.
During the test so far, the meter goes over the maximum just once per fight, that should be a fair occurrance for a supermove. What I fear is that is someone is way to lucky with the moves draft he could spam too many overdrives per match. Raising the treshold to 75 or even 100 would mean likely not see the moves during the match, unless I've put a modification value attached to any move (Something I'd really would not to do, since I'd like the overdrive meter be modified only with the more characteristic attack).

Any idea?

3 commenti:

  1. Testing is the only way to balance this.

  2. Hopefully it's at least a little bit unpredictable, and also involves some kind of disable effect instead of just damage. Otherwise, they all might end up being the same.
